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Employer Branding 5 Pitlanes />

5 Pitlanes that Auto Cos Should Avoid to Build a Successful Employer Brand

Employer Branding 5 Pitlanes              
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By Taggd Editorial Team


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India’s $121.5 billion automotive sector is one of the fastest-growing manufacturing sectors, which is undergoing a massive transformation as we transition from ICE to EV vehicles. The shift brings with it the need to establish tech-oriented business functions which demand skilled talent with expertise in emerging technologies such as IoT, EV designing, and AI.

As the need for tech talent rises, auto brands need to evolve from their conventional image as factories, and pitch themselves as workplaces brimming with opportunities to attract tech talent. 

Here’s where employer branding comes into play. By crafting a strong employer brand, automobile companies can effectively attract and retain skilled workforce to meet their business goals in this competitive market. 

While employer branding is a topic that most brands are aware of, today, we’ll discuss top five mistakes that company should avoid while crafting their employer branding strategy: 

  1. Ignoring Employee Engagement and Feedback

74% employees perform more effectively when they feel heard. Engaged employees are your best advocates; their testimonials resonate more authentically than any corporate advertisement. An employer who listens and responds to its workforce will foster loyalty and attract like-minded candidates who are critical to driving innovation and growth. 

Conversely, an organizational culture that ignores employee feedback and disregards their welfare causes animosity at the workplace which may translate to regular outbursts regarding the negative work culture from employees across social media and other communication channels. 

  1. Inconsistent Employer Brand Messaging

The only thing worse than not having an employer branding is to have a disjointed strategy that signals different brand values across different forums. Consistent messaging across all platforms ensures that the company’s values are not just hollow words but reflected in everyday practices, attracting the right talent.

Companies must ensure that their mission, vision, and values are evident across all platforms and in everyday operations, discrepancies between what is advertised and what employees experience can lead to distrust and high turnover rates.

  1. Neglecting the Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

An EVP that clearly outlines what employees gain from their tenure at your company is crucial. It must align with potential employees’ aspirations and highlight enough opportunities and perks to keep them engaged. In the automotive sector, where employees have the chance to shape the future of mobility through cutting-edge technology, an EVP emphasizing continuous learning and growth opportunities will be highly effective.

  1. Overlooking Online Reputation Management

Strong employer branding attracts top global talent, making companies 5 times more likely to become industry leaders. Online reviews and social media play a significant role in shaping an organization’s reputation. Companies must actively manage their online presence to ensure that the public perception aligns with the reality of working there. This involves actively monitoring reviews and comments, and addressing concerns in real-time to foster a positive public and online presence.

  1. Failing to Utilize Data-Driven Insights

Eminent statistician W. Edwards Deming once quoted ‘In God we trust; all others must bring data.’ The quote underscores the importance of building employer branding strategies on solid analytics rather than intuition, especially in a data-driven industry like automotive manufacturing.

Metrics related to employee satisfaction scores, retention rates, and the effectiveness of recruitment channels provide actionable insights to recalibrate employer branding initiatives, and consistently overlooking these metrics can potentially make your brand seem like a laggard in keeping up with the changing demands of the workforce and industry. 


To sum up, cultivating a strong employer brand offers numerous business benefits. Firstly, it helps in attracting top-quality talent, which is crucial for building a capable workforce. Secondly, it creates goodwill, leading to indirect advantages such as improved business opportunities, happier employees, and a positive reputation for your company among all stakeholders.

Therefore, employer branding is not a mere tactical measure but a strategic necessity vital to cultivating a thriving workplace. At Taggd, we truly believe in the phenomenal potential of employer branding in building a robust workforce, and attribute significant importance to it while helping our clients craft their employee recruitment & retention strategy.

To know more about our employer branding approach and services, please write to us at or directly get in touch with our employer branding specialists here!