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How To Build a More Inclusive Manufacturing Factory Floor with Diversity Planning

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By Taggd Editorial Team

February 21, 2024


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In today’s economic landscape, the manufacturing and heavy-engineering sector stands as a cornerstone of India’s growth story. As per insights from Taggd’s India Decoding Jobs Report 2024, the industry boasts a market size of $450.86 billion and contributes a significant 17% to the Indian economy. 

With a workforce of 35.6 million individuals, this sector plays a critical role in driving innovation, employment, and economic prosperity. However, despite its undeniable significance, the sector faces challenges in integrating diversity and inclusion within its manufacturing factory floors.

The industry has a responsibility to bridge this gap. We must move beyond legacy hiring strategies and actively cultivate inclusive factory floors that resonate with the aspirations of a changing workforce and changing times. 

Cultivate a Culture of Inclusivity

Let’s explore how Indian heavy-engineering and manufacturing companies can build a hiring strategy that promotes inclusivity and diversity:

  • Lead by Example

Senior leaders play a crucial role in shaping organizational culture. They should actively champion diversity and inclusion initiatives; not just as a corporate catchline but as fundamental principles that guide decision-making and behavior across all levels of the organization. 

Leaders should demonstrate their commitment through consistent actions, such as participating in diversity training sessions, engaging with employee resource groups, and visibly supporting diversity-focused events and initiatives.

  • Training and Education

Implementing mandatory diversity training programs for all employees is essential. These programs should go beyond surface-level discussions and delve into deeper topics such as unconscious bias, cultural competence, and inclusive leadership. 

A manufacturing organization should offer regular workshops, seminars, and discussions facilitated by experts in diversity and inclusion to provide employees with the knowledge and tools they need to recognize and address bias in themselves and others. For example, a top FMCG company in India uses a ‘We See Equal’ Program to create an inclusive and bias-free environment for its employees.

Rethink Recruitment Strategies

  • Targeted Outreach

One of the most effective ways to promote inclusivity in recruitment is to actively seek out and engage with diverse talent pools. Partnering with vocational training institutes, community organizations, and nonprofits that serve underrepresented communities will help recruiters expand their candidate pipeline. 

Recruitment professionals from manufacturing companies should also attend job fairs and networking events specifically targeted toward women, minorities, and individuals from marginalized backgrounds. By building relationships with these organizations, they can tap into a broader and more diverse talent pool.

  • Inclusive Job Descriptions

76% of job seekers report having positive impressions of companies that have job descriptions written in a neutral tone. Review and revise job descriptions as part of employer branding to remove gendered or biased language that may deter qualified candidates from applying. Focus on highlighting qualifications, skills, and competencies rather than perpetuating traditional industry stereotypes. 

Make use of inclusive language to welcome candidates with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Consider conducting job analysis or surveys as part of the employment campaigns to ensure that job requirements are truly essential and relevant to the role.

Foster Mentorship and Support Networks

  • Diverse Mentorship Programs

Establish mentorship programs that pair experienced employees with individuals from diverse backgrounds and encourage cross-functional mentorship to facilitate knowledge sharing and skill development across different departments and levels of the organization. Provide training and resources for mentors to effectively support and guide their mentees, fostering a culture of learning and growth.

  • Employee Resource Groups

90% of Fortune 500 companies have Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) where employees can connect, share experiences, and support one another.

These groups can focus on specific diversity dimensions such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability status. Encourage participation from employees at all levels of the organization and provide resources and funding to support group activities and initiatives.

Enhance Workplace Policies and Facilities

  • Promotion Pathways

Implement transparent promotion criteria and succession planning processes to ensure equal opportunities for career advancement. Monitor and address any disparities in promotion rates among different demographic groups to ensure that talent is recognized and rewarded based on merit rather than bias. Provide mentorship, coaching, and support to high-potential employees from underrepresented groups to help them navigate their career paths.

  • Flexible Work Arrangements

71% of Indian professionals chose flexibility as the top parameter while on a job hunt. To welcome diverse talent in mass hiring, first focus on making the workspace diverse and on offering flexible work schedules to accommodate diverse needs and lifestyles.

Recognize that employees may have caregiving responsibilities, health issues, or other commitments outside of work that impact their ability to adhere to traditional schedules. Implement policies and procedures that allow for flexibility while maintaining productivity and performance standards.

  • Accessible Facilities

Companies should ensure that the factory floor is accessible to all, be it in terms of the design layout to cater to physically-disabled employees or in terms of inclusive signage boards.

You can also conduct accessibility assessments to identify and address any physical barriers or obstacles that may impede mobility or hinder participation in work activities. Provide accommodations such as ramps, elevators, accessible restrooms, and ergonomic workstations to support the needs of all employees.

Going Ahead

Promoting inclusivity on manufacturing factory floors requires a holistic approach that addresses structural and cultural barriers. By cultivating a culture of inclusivity, rethinking recruitment strategies, fostering support networks and enhancing workplace policies, manufacturing companies can create an environment where every employee feels valued, respected, and empowered to succeed. 

Together with diverse recruitment, employer engagement and global HR policies, companies can build a more inclusive future for India’s manufacturing and heavy engineering sector.

According to Lionel Paul David, Workforce Head & HR Business Advisor, Stellantis, “India is on the verge of emerging as a hub for exports. In 2024, there will be a distinct emphasis on recruiting women talent, coupled with targeted hiring in manufacturing, technology, and engineering roles to fortify platforms.”

In addition to the insights highlighted earlier, the India Decoding Jobs Report 2024 furnishes data-backed actionable inputs and trends for the manufacturing sector in 2024. This information is meant to aid recruiters in making swift and informed decisions to shape a workforce and organizational culture prepared for the future. 

Drawing from well-structured surveys and in-depth discussions with reputed talent acquisition professionals across multiple sectors in India, this comprehensive report has become a preferred resource for data-driven insights, guiding recruitment decisions effectively.

To download your exclusive copy of the report, click here or write to us at