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5 Ways to Keep Going When the Job Search Gets You Down

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By Taggd Editorial Team

May 25, 2023


3 min read

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Every refusal and lack of response can be incredibly disheartening when conducting a job search, particularly after taking the time to customize applications for each position. In a recent study, it came to light that recent graduates received responses from less than 10 of the companies where they applied.

Under such circumstances, job searching can be incredibly stressful, as many people find their sense of identity and self-worth intertwined with their careers.

However, maintaining a positive outlook is essential for job seekers, as it helps them become resilient and to cope with negative experiences during a job interview.

While maintaining a positive attitude and staying motivated during a job search can be challenging, you can do a few things to keep your spirits up. Here are some tips for staying optimistic and inspired as you continue your job search and prepare for a job interview.

1. Have a Structure in Place

To stay motivated with your job search, set a daily routine that helps create a sense of consistency. This could include waking up at the same time each day and setting achievable goals like preparing for two to three job interviews.

Creating a schedule and establishing boundaries for your job search can help you feel in control, which will maintain your motivation and outlook. For instance, dedicate an hour each to sending personalized connection requests to your desired company’s current employees or recruiters or aim to attend networking events every month. You can also spend a few hours learning how to create compelling cover letters and resumes or ask the right job interview questions.

2. Set Measurable Goals

Creating achievable and measurable goals will help you stay focused and motivated during your job search, even when progress is slower than desired. Setting specific daily or weekly objectives can help you monitor your development, prevent frustration, and ensure you feel productive.

For instance, create a list of companies you’d like to work for and companies you have already applied to for a job interview. Alternatively, if networking is more your style, aim to connect with at least one person in your industry weekly on LinkedIn or career communities.

3. Prepare a List of Achievements

Reflecting on your accomplishments can be a great confidence booster. Create a list of all your notable achievements from prior roles, including any particular challenges you solved and significant projects you were part of.

Share these accomplishments with potential employers or professional contacts, such as in a cover letter. Showing off your track record of success will make a positive impression and help you stand out from the crowd. Remember that your career journey is a valuable asset and something to be proud of. Keep building on it, and you’ll reap the rewards soon.

4. Opt for Volunteer Work or Upskilling

Consider volunteering if you’re feeling restless due to lacking job prospects. Not only can it provide an engaging way to reduce the stress you get from a job search until you secure a new role, but it could also give your resume an edge and equip you with talking points for job interviews.

According to the 2023 Upskilling Trends Report by Great Learning, upskilling proved instrumental in helping 23% of professionals to transition into a different domain and 18% of professionals secure new employment opportunities. Furthermore, volunteering can be an excellent opportunity to network and develop relevant skills for your desired career path.

Additionally, you could take courses in emerging or niche roles and become part of a sought-after talent pool in India. All these activities can help you get closer to your dream job and make it easier for employers to consider you the right candidate.

5. Take a Break

Rather than fitting as many job interviews into a tight timeframe in the hopes of securing a job, it is essential to take a step back and pace yourself when you’re feeling exhausted and unmotivated.

It may be worth taking time away if you feel drained or clueless from job hunting. Taking a step back allows you to assess your mental and physical health and ensure you have the energy needed to continue your job search. This break can help you get back on track with renewed focus and enthusiasm.

Staying positive and resilient in the face of rejection is critical. These strategies can help you stay motivated and keep your spirits up while increasing your chances of finding the right opportunity. Remember to keep going, stay persistent, and have faith in yourself; your dedication will pay off in the end.

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By Amit Jain