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Beyond Conventional CTCs: How to Motivate Employees with Thoughtful Compensation Programs

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As per HRO today, 89% of employers in the APAC region (including India) are struggling to attract new talent to their organizations and nearly the same number of employers are facing challenges with talent retention.

While competitive salaries and traditional employee compensation packages remain crucial, they are no longer the sole determinants of employee motivation and job satisfaction. Companies wishing to foster a motivated and engaged workforce must think beyond conventional Cost-to-Company (CTC) models and explore thoughtful compensation programs tailored to their employees’ diverse needs.

Understanding the Limitations of Traditional Employee Compensations

While traditional CTC packages offer financial security, they often fail to address the unique motivations and aspirations of employees. A one-size-fits-all approach to compensation can lead to dissatisfaction, disengagement, and ultimately, high turnover rates.

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According to Business Today, about 26% of Indian employees are contemplating a job change within a year. As mentioned in the same report, when employees were asked to make choices between different aspects of work– emotional needs, job security and fair treatment crept into the top five, further highlighting the importance of looking beyond the CTC. 

Thoughtful Compensation Programs: Strategies for Succes

Here are some employee compensation strategies that can help enhance overall employee satisfaction:

1. Personalized Compensation Packages

According to Plum’s CEO, 76% of employees weigh the quality of benefits as a factor in staying at a company or leaving. Develop compensation packages to align with individual preferences, life stages, and career aspirations. Consider offering flexible benefits, such as additional paid time off, remote work options, or extended parental leave.

Additionally, transparent communication about compensation strategies and decision-making processes should be practiced to promote trust between the employer and employee. Employees can be involved in the development of compensation programs while noting their feedback. This can be implemented through internal surveys, one-on-one discussions with respective SPOC HRs, and feedback forms seeking employees to arrange multiple compensations in terms of preference. 

2. Performance-Based Incentives

Implement performance-based compensation strategies and incentives that reward exceptional contributions to specific business projects and encourage continuous improvement. These could include bonuses, profit-sharing programs, or equity ownership opportunities.

3. Work-Life Balance Initiatives

Prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible schedules, on-site childcare facilities, or employee wellness programs (with a special focus on mental health). These employee welfare initiatives may directly enhance employee satisfaction and improve overall well-being. 

4. Professional Development Opportunities

Invest in the professional growth of your employees by providing training programs, mentorship opportunities, and career advancement pathways. This fosters a culture of continuous learning and demonstrates your commitment to their long-term success. A study by LinkedIn found that 94% of employees would stay longer at a company that invested in their career development.

5. Employee Recognition and Appreciation

Implement a robust employee recognition program that celebrates achievements, milestones, and contributions. This could include peer-to-peer recognition, company-wide acknowledgments, or tangible rewards.

For instance, as per Taggd’s India Decoding Jobs Report 2024,  offering non-monetary incentives, such as rewards and recognition programs, play a crucial role in talent attraction in the BFSI sector. Such recognition not only boosts individual employee engagement but may also enhance productivity and loyalty to the company, leading to higher retention.

6. Continuous Evaluation and Adjustment

Regularly evaluate and adjust your compensation programs to ensure their effectiveness and alignment with industry trends, employee feedback, and changing market conditions. Conduct surveys, analyze data, and seek input from external consultants or industry experts to identify areas for improvement.

Implementing Your Compensation Plan Effectively

  • Transparency: Clearly communicate the compensation philosophy and plan details to all employees irrespective of the hierarchy.
  • Multiple Channels: Utilize various communication methods like email, company meetings, and employee handbooks.
  • Regular Monitoring: Track industry trends, employee performance, and competitor compensation practices.
  • Performance Reviews: Use performance reviews to adjust employee compensation based on individual contributions.

Moving Ahead

By venturing beyond traditional CTCs and focusing on well-rounded compensation strategies, you can cultivate an environment that attracts, retains, and motivates top talent. By investing in a comprehensive compensation strategy, you invest in the future success of your organization.

Designing customized employee compensation programs requires adept understanding of the changing preferences of the workforce, and clear insights to adapt your strategy accordingly. 

At Taggd, our market intelligence team engages in numerous market research activities throughout the year that helps us have a finger on the pulse of the hiring landscape day in and day out, and thereby confidently help companies across industries build a compensation structure that productively engages their workforce.

To know more about how we can collaborate to enhance employee happiness through thoughtful compensation structures, please drop us a line at, or directly get in touch with our specialists here!