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Measuring the Impact of Employer Branding: How to Track and Analyze the ROI of Your Recruiting Efforts

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By Taggd Editorial Team

May 20, 2024


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The value and impact generated by the employer’s branding define the success of an organization. Every business industry and organization needs to have access to the return on investment to make sure that their organizational success is on the right track. In a competitive world where the recruitment process and strategy are the main objectives when it comes to attracting and retaining the best talent in the industry, A company’s ability to attract top talent can be greatly impacted by having a strong employer brand, but how do you assess the success of your employer branding initiatives? 

Tracking and analyzing your ROI is the most crucial yet important way to keep track of your organization to ensure long-term success. 

In the following blog, we will highlight the recruitment strategy and various methods to measure the impact of employer branding and tracking ROI to keep the right record. 

Key Features

Before calculating the return on investment from your employer’s branding, you must establish the key indicators that you need to monitor to have the correct command over analyzing and measuring ROI. These measurements could consist of:

  • Application Conversion Rate: You need to track the proportion of prospects who are viewing your employer brand before applying.
  • Time-to-Fill: The mean duration between the original job advertisement and the acceptance of the last offer before a position is filled.
  • Candidate Quality: evaluating candidates according to their qualifications, background, and cultural fit.
  • Employee Retention Rate: The proportion of workers that stick with the organization for a predetermined amount of time, demonstrating how well your employer brand attracts and retains talent.

Steps to Analyze ROI

Conduct surveys and get feedback

You need to keenly observe and find out what candidates and current staff have to say about your workplace branding initiatives. This will help to get the correct insights and their thoughts about the organizations. You must perform surveys to find out how candidates feel about your employer brand, how they feel about the hiring process overall, and why they accepted or rejected job offers. In a similar vein, employee feedback surveys can assist in pinpointing both the strong points and places for development in your employer’s brand.

Tracking Recruiting Expenses

Monitoring the expenses related to your hiring process is another crucial component of calculating ROI. This covers costs for posting job openings, hiring agency fees, employee referral bonuses, and any other costs associated with luring and employing talent. You may determine the return on investment (ROI) of your recruiting efforts by comparing these expenses to the outcomes attained.

Examine employee engagement and performance

To attract the right talent and retain them in your organization for a long time, a strong employer brand helps to develop employee engagement and performance. Metrics like performance reviews, staff productivity, and happiness can be analyzed to gain insight into how your employer brand affects employee engagement and retention. A strong employer brand is demonstrated by high levels of satisfaction and engagement among employees.

Keep an eye on your social media

In the digital age, social media and the online presence of your employees are the most crucial aspects. You need to find out how your employer’s brand is greatly influenced by your online presence. This way, you will get to learn more about how potential employees and candidates regard your business. The correct insights and data can be collected about your organization while keeping an eye on social media, review websites, and employer rating systems. Always use negative comments to learn about the areas where you need to work; this will embrace employer branding as well as positive evaluations and interactions.

Benchmarking conduction

Benchmarking is a useful strategy to gain significant context and insights into your performance in comparison to competitors. It involves comparing your employer’s brand to industry benchmarks. Benchmarking will let you know your strengths and weaknesses. This will allow you to make improvements to be competitive in the talent market.

Computing ROI

After analyzing and tracking all the above-mentioned records, you are all set to compute the ROI of your employer branding initiatives. The ROI calculation is as follows:

ROI is equal to (net return minus investment cost) x 100.

Net Return = Benefits – Costs 

This way, you can calculate the total return on investment (ROI) of your employer branding initiatives by measuring the advantages brought about by better recruiting outcomes, such as shorter time-to-fill, higher candidate quality, and longer employee retention.

Determine the monitoring value of employer branding.

Evaluating the monetary worth of better employer branding entails figuring out the concrete advantages that result from better hiring practices and worker satisfaction. This can be evaluated in the following ways:

  • Cost Savings: You need to determine the loss and profit and how much money needs to be invested for hiring-related expenses such as agency fees, job advertising, and employee turnover. The difference between historical and current expenditures will help you with cost reductions and it can be directly attributed to enhancing employer branding.
  • Enhanced Revenue: Assessing how superior talent acquisition is affecting company performance, including increased sales from a more engaged workforce, higher efficiency, and better customer satisfaction as a result of better employee service, will help you know more about organizational success. To find out the competitive value of your company, calculate the money that these enhancements have brought in, and give some credit to your stronger employer brand.
  • Comparative analysis: To evaluate the success of the organization, you must conduct a comparative analysis both before and after it made investments in employer branding campaigns. Reach out to consumer feedback, employee retention rates, and time-to-fill indicators to determine the financial impact of your branding initiatives.


The world is growing with the rapid speed of technology and innovation. You and your organization need to keep up with the changing dynamics. Only this will lead to the growth of the organization in the right direction.

The Decoding Job Sectoral Reports 2023 state that the change in the industrial field demands competitive and comparative analysis for company growth. You need to keep an eye on the insights and plan your recruitment strategy accordingly.