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Optimizing IT Workforce Planning: Leveraging the Power of RPO Solutions

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By Taggd Editorial Team

September 7, 2023


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Strategic IT workforce planning is vital in the dynamic tech landscape. IT Talent acquisition and retention are marred with a host of challenges which makes it critical for companies to seek the most advanced strategies to hire talent with the right skills.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) can serve as a vital cog in recruitment as organizations increasingly focus on improving the quality and pace of hiring, especially in competitive industries like IT. 

The demand for RPO services is seeing constant growth, from $6.71 billion in 2021 to a projected $19.96 billion by 2028, with a robust annual growth rate of 18.2% between 2022 and 2028. 

This blog post will discuss why enhancing IT workforce planning matters and how RPO solutions can make a big difference in achieving this goal.

Challenges in IT Talent Acquisition and Retention

Talent acquisition and retention present formidable obstacles in the fast-paced world of IT, such as:

  1. Skill shortages: The IT sector struggles with skill shortages, particularly in evolving domains with high demand like cybersecurity, big data, AI, and data analytics. Navigating this talent gap is a constant challenge.
  2. War for talent: As organizations search for the best IT professionals in a fiercely competitive marketplace, attracting and retaining top talent becomes challenging and expensive.
  3. Time constraints: The prolonged time-to-fill positions can lead to project delays and elevate operational costs, adding to the urgency of streamlining recruitment processes.
  4. Quality candidates: Identifying candidates with the precise blend of technical prowess and cultural alignment remains an ongoing hurdle in IT talent acquisition.

The Steps to Leveraging RPO for IT Workforce Planning

It is important that you get the basics right to ensure you have a successful time harnessing the power of RPO services for strengthening your IT workforce. Here are the key steps to make the most of your RPO partnership.

  1. Define your IT workforce strategy: Before diving into the world of RPO, it’s crucial to have a clear and well-defined IT workforce strategy in place. Start by identifying your short-term and long-term IT staffing needs. Consider factors like project pipelines, anticipated growth, and specific skill sets required. Having a strategic roadmap with clear expectations and goals will help you align your RPO efforts with your organization’s goals and objectives.
  2. In-depth background check to choose the right RPO partner: Selecting the right RPO provider is a critical step in optimizing IT workforce planning. Look for a partner with a proven track record in IT recruitment. They should have a deep understanding of the technology landscape, including emerging trends and the latest skills in demand. Additionally, consider factors like their reputation, client testimonials, and the quality of their recruitment technology stack.

Read how Taggd Helped a Global Engineering Co Hire IT Talent

  1.       Conduct workforce gap analysis: To ensure that your IT workforce planning is on target, conduct a comprehensive workforce gap analysis. Identify the skills and roles that are currently lacking within your organization. This analysis will serve as the foundation for your RPO strategy, allowing your provider to focus on filling the most critical gaps efficiently. Leading RPOs provide such services, but you need to give them the initial inputs.
  2.       Collaborative talent sourcing: One of the primary benefits of RPO solutions is the ability to tap into a broader talent pool. Collaborate closely with your RPO partner to leverage their networks, databases, and industry connections. Effective talent sourcing involves using cutting-edge tools and techniques to identify, attract, and engage top IT professionals.
  3.       Streamline the Recruitment Process: Efficiency is key when optimizing IT workforce planning. RPO providers excel in streamlining the recruitment process. They can help you create a standardized and efficient hiring workflow, reducing time-to-fill and ensuring a seamless candidate experience. Automation, AI-driven tools, and data analytics are often used to enhance the recruitment process further.
  4.       Build a Talent Pipeline: Successful IT workforce planning is not just about filling immediate vacancies but also about building a talent pipeline for future needs. RPOs can help you create a database of pre-qualified IT candidates who can be tapped into when new opportunities arise. This proactive approach reduces the time and effort required for future hires.
  5.       Measure ROI and Business Impact: To gauge the success of your RPO solutions and IT workforce planning efforts, measure the return on investment (ROI) and the overall business impact. Assess how RPO has contributed to cost savings, increased productivity, reduced time-to-fill, and improved the quality of hires. This data-driven approach allows you to make informed decisions and refine your strategy further.


Optimizing IT workforce planning is essential for success in a competitive digital landscape. Taggd offers end-to-end RPO solutions that provide organizations with the expertise and technology needed to overcome talent acquisition and retention challenges. Be it strategic workforce planning, talent pipeline management, employee retention programs, diversity hiring or employer branding, Taggd’s RPO capabilities encompass all these services.

By setting clear objectives, streamlining processes, leveraging technology, and making data-driven decisions, Taggd can help organizations enhance their IT workforce planning efforts, ultimately gaining a competitive advantage in the digital age.  

To learn how  Taggd can optimize your IT workforce strategy, please contact us at!