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9 Insightful Recruitment Metrics That Every Recruiter Must Track

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By Taggd Editorial Team

December 7, 2023


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In the world of hiring, understanding and using recruitment metrics is like having a secret weapon. These metrics serve as invaluable instruments, offering a comprehensive analysis of the efficacy of our hiring procedures. They function as a strategic compass, providing discernment into our commendable practices and areas necessitating refinement. Think of it as a roadmap to navigate the changing expectations of job seekers.

The job market is evolving, and candidates expect a smoother hiring experience. If we don’t keep up, we might miss out on the best people. Sometimes, companies struggle to adjust, and that can mean losing out on top candidates. For instance, if it takes us too long to find great candidates or if our interview process is a bit of a maze, candidates might accept another job offer before we get a chance to bring them on board.

Making good decisions at every step of the recruitment strategies is super important. And to do that, we need to look closely at the numbers — the metrics. They give us the insights we need to make smart decisions that not only make the hiring process better but also make candidates happy. So, let’s dive into these metrics and make our hiring game stronger!

List of Insightful Recruitment Metrics

Time to Hire:

  • What it is: How long does it take for a candidate to go from applying to accepting your job offer?
  • Why it matters: A shorter time to hire is better for everyone — less chance of losing your top pick to another job and a smoother experience for the candidate.

Time to Fill:

  • What it is: The time from posting a job to hiring someone.
  • Why it matters: These sourcing metrics help plan for future hires. If filling a certain role takes longer than usual, you can get a head start.

Source of Hire:

  • What it is: Where your candidates come from, like LinkedIn, job boards, or referrals.
  • Why it matters: It helps you know which channels work best for finding quality candidates and where to focus your advertising budget.

First-Year Attrition:

  • What it is: Tracks how many new hires stick around for a year.
  • Why it matters: Losing a new hire within a year means losing time and money on hiring and training. It’s split into managed (employer ends the contract) and unmanaged (employee leaves on their own).

Cost per Hire:

  • What it is: The total cost of your hiring process divided by the number of hires.
  • Why it matters: Gives a clear picture of how much it costs to bring someone on board. Helps in planning and budgeting for future hires.

Quality of Hire:

  • What it is: Measures how well your new employees are performing.
  • Why it matters: High quality of hire means you’re attracting top-notch talent. Use data from annual reviews to keep track.

Hiring Manager Satisfaction:

  • What it is: Gauges how happy hiring managers are with the new team members.
  • Why it matters: A satisfied hiring manager usually means a well-performing new hire who becomes a valuable team member.

Candidate Net Promoter Score:

  • What it is: Rates how likely candidates are to recommend your hiring process.
  • Why it matters: A low score signals areas for improvement. It’s like getting feedback from the candidates’ perspective.

Offer Acceptance Rate:

  • What it is: Compares the number of offers made to the number accepted.
  • Why it matters: A low rate could mean issues with benefits, compensation, or even your company’s image. Feedback surveys from candidates can provide valuable insights.

So, these recruitment metrics? They’re not just numbers; they’re your compass for making your hiring game stronger and ensuring a positive experience for both candidates and your team.

How to Effectively Monitor Your Recruitment Metrics

Now that you’re equipped with insights into crucial hiring metrics, let’s get into the practicalities of measuring them without drowning in a sea of data. Here’s a straightforward three-step guide based on our experience as Digital Recruitment Platform:

Strategically Choose Your Metrics:

  • Avoid overwhelming yourself from the start. Begin with a measured approach. Select one or two fundamental metrics, such as time to hire or time to fill. Build confidence in handling the numbers game before venturing into more intricate metrics, like gauging candidate satisfaction.

Clarify Roles for Data Management:

  • Determine who’s taking the helm of this data voyage. Typically, your HR team or talent acquisition specialists are at the forefront. However, different metrics resonate with different teams. While HR might appreciate delving into cost per hire, the talent squad could be more attuned to the quality of hire. Crystal-clear communication is essential—explain the significance of these metrics and how they contribute to the larger organizational picture. Also, establish the frequency of data dives; some metrics might warrant an annual review, while others benefit from a quarterly check.

Navigate the Numbers:

  • Now, let’s get down to the specifics. Certain metrics, like offer acceptance rate or quality of hire, require a bit of mathematical finesse. While the dream is to eventually track all metrics comprehensively, it’s a gradual process. Start with the fundamentals, then progress towards a holistic analysis of your recruitment strategies.

There you have it—simple and effective. Begin with a measured approach, rally your team around the data cause, and let the metrics illuminate the path forward. Your recruitment game is on the brink of a significant upgrade.


Using recruitment metrics and solutions such as Digital Recruitment Platforms is like having a GPS for hiring success. The platform acts as your guide, streamlining everything. It’s not just about numbers; it’s about making your hiring process smarter and quicker. The synergy of metrics and a digital platform gives businesses an edge, ensuring they attract and keep the best talent. It’s not just recruitment; it’s a journey toward business success. Contact Taggd for more information. 

By Taggd